In this #ABtalks Together interview, Anas Bukhash sits down with Abeer, a Saudi influencer, and her husband Liam, a British MMA coach. They discuss Liam’s conversion to Islam before their marriage, navigating cultural differences, and raising their two children while dealing with racism. The couple reflects on cultural adaptation, emphasizing the importance of staying confident. Abeer also shares what led her to shave her head. Though they’ve stopped posting on their YouTube channel, their inspiring journey continues to resonate.
This series switches the roles; the guests ask the questions! Anas invites celebrity couples that we all know and love to ask each other deep, daring questions about their relationship they have most likely never asked each other before (well, especially not in front of a camera). With no distractions and just a deck of cue cards, couples get to (really) know one another the #ABtalks way.
#ABtalks is a YouTube interview show hosted by Anas Bukhash that shines the spotlight on the raw side of celebrities, influencers, and achievers as human beings.
يجلس أنس بوخش مع عبير، المؤثرة السعودية، وزوجها ليام، المدرب البريطاني لفنون القتال المختلطة. يحدثونا عن اعتناق ليام للإسلام قبل زواجهما، وتحديات التكيف مع الاختلافات الثقافية، وتربية طفليهما في ظل التعامل مع العنصرية. ويتطرق الزوجان إلى موضوع التكيف الثقافي، مع التأكيد على أهمية الحفاظ على الثقة بالنفس. كما تشارك عبير ما الذي دفعها إلى حلق شعرها. وعلى الرغم من توقفهما عن النشر على قناتهما في يوتيوب، إلا أن رحلتهما الملهمة لا تزال تمس قلوب الكثيرين.
هذه السلسلة تبدل الأدوار ؛ يسأل الضيوف الأسئلة! يدعو أنس الزوجان الشهيران الذين نعرفهم جميعًا ونحبهم، يطرحوا أسئلة عميقة وجريئة على بعضهم البعض حول علاقتهم، مع عدم وجود عوامل تشتيت يمكن للضيوف أن يتعرفوا على بعضهم البعض على طريقة البرنامج.
هذا البرنامج هو سلسلة من المقابلات الحوارية التي تعرض على اليوتيوب ويقدمها أنس بوخش، حيث يكشف الجانب الصادق والإنساني للعديد من المشاهير والمؤثرين ويسلط الضوء على قصصهم الإنسانية الملهمة والمؤثرة.
00:00 – Intro
00:53 – Trailer
03:17 – If you could go back to the day we met, what would you advice yourself or do differently?
05:03 – Before we met, did I look like the man of your dreams?
08:21 – What’s one thing you’ve learned from being married to a black Arab woman that you didn’t expect?
10:21 – How do you navigate the pain of racism, which unfortunately as we know exists everywhere in the world, without letting it consume us?
22:59 – Did you convert to Islam for me or for yourself?
33:57 – When was the first moment you realized that you truly loved me?
46:28 – What’s the most hurtful thing I’ve ever said or done to you, and how did you heal from it?
53:28 – Was there ever a time you were afraid our love wouldn’t survive? What made you hold on?
58:34 – If this was the last time we see each other, what would your last words be to me?
1:01:16 – If I were to die before our kids grow up, and then one day when they’re older they ask you “mama, please describe our dad to us”, how would you describe me?
Production / @bukhashbrothers
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If you could go back to the day we met, what would you advise yourself or do differently?
Before we met, honestly, did I look like the man of your dreams?
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All opinions and views expressed on the show represent the sole opinions and views of the participants involved and do not necessarily reflect or represent those of #ABtalks or its associated companies.
Any tampering of this video’s content is prohibited.
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يُحظَّر أي تلاعب في محتوى الفيديو.
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