الدكتور نافع الياسي، طبيب أطفال إماراتي وواحد من 80 طبيباً تطوعوا للعمل بالمستشفى الإماراتي الميداني في غزة، يشاركنا تجربته التي غيرت حياته في علاج المرضى والقصص المؤثرة التي شهدها.
نكتشف بهذه السلسلة قصص مجهولة عن بشر خارج نطاق الشهرة، ونسلط الضوء على نضالاتهم وانتصاراتهم وقصصهم الإنسانية.
Dr. Nafea Al Yasi, an Emirati pediatrician and one of 80 doctors who volunteered at the UAE field hospital in Gaza, shares his life-changing experience of treating patients and the powerful stories he witnessed.
#ABtalks Untold Stories discovers the stories of everyday people. This series opens up the conversation to people beyond just the well known and famous by sharing the struggles and triumphs of human beings near and far.
Production / @bukhashbrothers
Website: https://www.abtalks.ae
1:42 – How are you really doing?
6:27 – What made you go to Gaza?
14:40 – Dr. Nafea speaks about his experience and views in Gaza.
47:30 – The circumstances there are much more different, how were you able to do you work without falling apart?
1:07:06 – What is the story of this painting?
1:11:35 – What was the hardest moment during your time in Gaza?
1:21:24 – What did you learn about the people of Gaza?
1:23:09 – How is Nafea before visiting Gaza different than current Nafea?
1:26:57 – What is your message to anyone watching this?
1:29:00 – Gaza in one word.
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Follow Dr. Nafea Alyasi:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nafe3alyasi/?hl=en
Twitter: https://x.com/Nafe3AlYasi
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