Asser Yassin on #ABtalks
آسر ياسين ممثل وكاتب ومنتج أفلام مصري اشتهر بأدواره في الوعد ورسائل البحر وأسوار القمر. وراء كل هذه الألقاب، هو مهندس ميكانيكي وجد نفسه في عالم المسرح والسينما. ترقبوا آسر وهو يتحدث عن الزواج، طفولته، صحته النفسية وماذا يعني له الحب وأكثر!
هذا البرنامج هو سلسلة من المقابلات الحوارية التي تعرض على اليوتيوب ويقدمها أنس بوخش، حيث يكشف الجانب الصادق والإنساني للعديد من المشاهير والمؤثرين ويسلط الضوء على قصصهم الإنسانية الملهمة والمؤثرة.
Asser Yassin is an Egyptian actor, writer, and film producer known for his roles in El Waad, Messages from the Sea and Aswar El Qamar. Behind all these titles is a mechanical engineer who found his true calling in the world of theatre and cinema. Stay tuned as Asser talks about marriage, his childhood, mental health, what love truly means to him, and more!
#ABtalks is a YouTube interview show hosted by Anas Bukhash that shines the spotlight on the raw side of celebrities, influencers, and achievers as human beings.
Produced by: Bukhash Brothers
Watch Partner: Breitling |
00:00 – Intro
0:38 – How are you really doing?
1:49 – How was your childhood?
5:38 – We are both mechanical engineers.
6:10 – Following career paths.
8:20 – How was your relationship with your parents as a child?
9:45 – Who are you, Asser? How would you describe yourself?
10:30 – You are an engineer working as an actor.
15:18 – Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
15:46 – Favorite color and three reasons why.
16:15 – Favorite animal and three reasons why.
17:47 – Let me tell you a funny story about the bear.
18:56 – What does love mean to you?
20:38 – What did you learn from the 9 years of marriage?
31:57 – If you were not Asser, would you be his friend?
34:30 – Grit.
40:28 – What trait would you want to see on people’s heads?
42:00 – What do you fear?
44:39 – Do you think your mental health is stable?
54:04 – What is the best moment in your life?
55:27 – What is the toughest situation you have been through?
57:40 – Taher in one word.
58:19 – When was the last time you cried?
58:50 – Describe Kenzy in one word.
59:43 – Do you regret anything?
1:00:32 – Describe Asser in one word.
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All opinions and views expressed on the show represent the sole opinions and views of the participants involved and do not necessarily reflect or represent those of #ABtalks or its associated companies.
تنويه: الآراء ووجهات النظر التي تطرح في هذا البرنامج تمثل وجهة نظر المشاركين فقط ولا تعكس أو تمثل بالضرورة وجهة نظر برنامج ABtalks# أو الشركات المرتبطة به.
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