#ABtalks with Boran Kuzum – مع بوران كوزوم | Chapter 195

2 يوليو 2024

Boran Kuzum is a Turkish actor. On #ABtalks, he shares his perspectives on love and relationships. He discusses the significant impact of his father’s death on his life and his relationship with his mother. Boran also reflects on how early fame influenced his personality, balancing his extroverted and introverted sides, and provides insights into his acting career.

#ABtalks is a YouTube interview show hosted by Anas Bukhash that shines the spotlight on the raw side of celebrities, influencers, and achievers as human beings.

بوران كوزوم، الممثل التركي المشهور. ضيفنا هذا الأسبوع بالبرنامج، يحدثنا عن وجهة نظره في الحب والعلاقات. ويشاركنا التأثير الكبير لوفاة والده على حياته وعلاقته بوالدته. ويعرفنا أيضًا مدى تأثير الشهرة المبكرة على شخصيته، وموازنته بين شخصيته المنفتحة والانطوائية، ويقدم نظرة ثاقبة لمسيرته التمثيلية، شاركونا للتعرف أكثر على الإنسان خلف لقب الممثل بوران كوزوم

هذا البرنامج هو سلسلة من المقابلات الحوارية التي تعرض على اليوتيوب ويقدمها أنس بوخش، حيث يكشف الجانب الصادق والإنساني للعديد من المشاهير والمؤثرين ويسلط الضوء على قصصهم الإنسانية الملهمة والمؤثرة.

Production / @bukhashbrothers

Website: https://www.abtalks.ae | Buy the Card Game: https://shop.abtalks.ae/

00:00 – Intro
02:50 – How are you really doing?
6:24 – If you have a white canvas, and I tell Boran draw your mental state, what would you draw?
6:57 – What is the most emoji you use?
7:20 – Your childhood in three words?
8:20 – Who are you when nobody is around you?
9:50 – Therapy
11:11 – How was your relationship with your parents when you were young?
11:57 – My father passed away two years ago.
14:23 – Do you feel guilty that it was a relief?
16:47 – Grief
17:34 – What is a flaw in your family that you wish you could have changed?
18:45 – Why I started acting
20:30 – A higher purpose
21:41 – What is an insecurity that you struggled with throughout your life?
24:25 – Do you think you’re a good looking person?
25:20 – How did you go from Economics to Acting?
27:28 – What is a skill an actor should have outside of acting?
28:22 – Do you like fame? How did it affect you?
29:23 – What does success mean to you?
29:55 – Being alone
31:58 – Are you angry?
33:04 – Do you believe in love at first sight?
33:49 – What does love mean to you?
35:27 – If you were an animal for one week, what would you choose to be?
36:00 – and if you could be any object for one week, what would you choose to be?
37:20 – If I give you and envelope and it has your date of death, would you open it?
40:38 – Kokology Question
47:33 – #ABtalks Card Game Question
50:05 – Happiest moment in your life
51:13 – What do you need that it gets deeper in time?
52:00 – Does grief get less?
54:12 – If you could write your father a letter today, what would you write?
54:45 – What does Fatma Zahra mean to you? (Mother)
55:15 – What is the most thing you need in your life right now?
55:30 – If I could take Boran’s Heart out, what would your heart say to you?
55:57 – What makes you feel this way?
56:37 – Why do you think you exist?
1:00:27 – If you died yesterday, what would you have regretted the most?
1:01:24 – Who are the closest people in your life?
1:02:01 – Last words
1:03:12 – How happy are you in life out of 10?
1:03:45 – Dad in One Word
1:03:55 – Mom in One Word
1:04:06 – Boran in One Word

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Follow Anas Bukhash:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anasbukhash/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anasbukhash/
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@anasbukhash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnasBukhash
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@anasbukhash
Website: http://anasbukhash.com/

Follow Boran Kuzum::
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/borankuzum/

All opinions and views expressed on the show represent the sole opinions and views of the participants involved and do not necessarily reflect or represent those of #ABtalks or its associated companies.

Any tampering of this video’s content is prohibited.

الآراء ووجهات النظر التي تطرح في هذا البرنامج تمثل وجهة نظر المشاركين فقط ولا تعكس أو تمثل بالضرورة وجهة نظر برنامج ABtalks# أو الشركات المرتبطة به.

يُحظَّر أي تلاعب في محتوى الفيديو.

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