John Lee is an international speaker, best-selling author and entrepreneur. Born in Hong Kong and raised in the United Kingdom, John faced harsh realities at a very young age from bullying and racism at school to strict parents at home. In this 14th Chapter of #ABtalks, Anas unravels his story from a young boy who washed dishes at a Chinese takeaway to the globally celebrated entrepreneur he is today. Together, they discuss the importance of managing finances. How do you save money versus how do you invest it?
In this exclusive interview, John also details one of his worst moments in life; a life-changing decision that was based on self-respect, yet almost cost his relationship with his father. But what does it really mean to have self-respect? What is the difference between having a purpose and having motivation? John and Anas discuss these in detail as two entrepreneurs, but more importantly, as two humans.
Anas Bukhash takes a seat with unique personalities resulting in exclusive and sometimes daring conversations. Each guest is hand-picked and each episode reveals details that have never been talked about before. The guests are known for being inspirational and influential; experts in their respective fields.
This show shines the spotlight on the raw and human side of various achievers, celebrities, influencers, trendsetters (and breakers) as human beings.
جون لي هو متحدث دولي، ومؤلف الأكثر مبيعًا ورجل أعمال. وُلِد جون في هونغ كونغ ونشأ في المملكة المتحدة، وفي سن مبكر للغاية قد واجه حقائق قاسية كتنمر والعنصرية في المدرسة إلى أبوين صارمين في المنزل. وفي هذا الفصل الرابع عشر من البرنامج، يكشف أنس عن قصته من صبي صغير كان يغسل الأطباق في مطعم صيني إلى ما هو عليه اليوم، رجل الأعمال الشهير. يناقشون معًا أهمية إدارة الشؤون المالية. وكيف يمكنك توفير المال مقابل كيف تستثمره؟
في هذه المقابلة الحصرية، يشرح جون أيضًا واحدة من أسوأ لحظات حياته؛ والقرار الذي غير حياته والذي اعتمد على احترام الذات، ومع ذلك كاد الأمر أن يكلفه علاقته بأبيه. ولكن ماذا يعني أن يكون لديك احترام الذات؟ ما هو الفرق بين وجود الدافع والغرض؟ يناقش جون وأنس هذه الأمور بالتفصيل كرجل أعمال، ولكن الأهم من ذلك كبشر.
يجلس أنس مع شخصيات فريدة ويقدم مقابلات حصرية، وأحياناً جريئة. يتم اختيار كل ضيف بشكل دقيق وتكشف كل حلقة عن تفاصيل لم يتم التحدث عنها من قبل. من المعروف عن الضيوف أنهم ملهمون ومؤثرون ومختصون كلٌ في مجاله.
هذا البرنامج يسلط الضوء على الجانب الصريح والإنساني للعديد من المنجزين والمشاهير والمؤثرين وصانعي الصيحات (ومحطميها)؛ كبشر.
00:00 – Intro
0:24 – How are you really doing?
5:19 – How was John’s childhood?
8:51 – There are similarities between Asian and Arab mentalities.
12:23 – I read that you struggled with dyslexia.
14:49 – How long did the bullying take?
16:38 – Why do you do what you do, John?
20:31 – Nothing is taught above love, mental health, marriage etc.
21:40 – The problem is that human beings, when they don’t know, they either criticize or are just too afraid to try.
24:10 – Do you think motivational speaking is a bunch of nonsense?
28:42 – If that is the hunger, what is the goal for you?
38:14 – Your social media doesn’t have your personal side. Why?
39:58 – When did you become a father?
40:09 – You are already a responsible guy?
40:53 – Do you think you are present?
41:46 – Do you think it’s easy being married or being a father when you’re so engulfed into your career?
45:43 – Would you say you are happy?
49:17 – Best moment in your life.
50:29 – Worst moment in your life.
56:15 – Any regrets?
57:10 – If you are not afraid of anything, what would you do?
58:29 – ‘John’ in one word.
Produced by: Bukhash Brothers
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