Justin Baldoni on #ABtalks
Justin Baldoni is an American actor, director and entrepreneur whose efforts are focused on creating impactful media and entertainment that also elevates and speaks to the human spirit. In this Chapter, Justin talks about how he struggled to make friends as a child, his relationship with his parents, and the concept of masculinity and vulnerability. Together, Anas and Justin discuss life and death, fears and love, trauma and healing, faith and spirituality; a discussion nothing short of thought-provoking enlightening. Enjoy!
#ABtalks is a YouTube interview show hosted by Anas Bukhash that shines the spotlight on the raw side of celebrities, influencers, and achievers as human beings.
جاستن بالدوني ممثل ومخرج ورائد أعمال وصانع تغيير أمريكي. تتركز جهوده علی خلق وإنتاج أعمال ترفيهية مؤثرة ترتقي وتخاطب الروح البشرية. في هذه الحلقة، يتحدث جاستن عن وجود صعوبات لتكوين صداقات عندما كان طفلاً، وعلاقته بوالديه، ومفهوم الذكورة واحتضان الضعف. يتناقشان أنس وجاستن عن الحياة والموت، المخاوف والحب، الصدمات والشفاء، والإيمان والروحانية ؛ مناقشة لا تخلو من الإثَارَة.
هذا البرنامج هو سلسلة من المقابلات الحوارية التي تعرض على اليوتيوب ويقدمها أنس بوخش، حيث يكشف الجانب الصادق والإنساني للعديد من المشاهير والمؤثرين ويسلط الضوء على قصصهم الإنسانية الملهمة والمؤثرة.
Produced by: Bukhash Brothers
Website: https://www.abtalks.ae
Watch Partner: Breitling | https://bit.ly/3nrXQZJ
00:00 – Intro
2:30 – How are you really doing?
3:56 – Who are you, Justin?
4:30 – Self image.
5:33 – How was your childhood?
6:50 – Struggled making friends.
8:10 – How was your relationship with your parents?
8:36 – I resented my dad for a long time.
10:30 – Difference between sensitivity, emotional and vulnerable.
12:20 – Your mother’s role in your journey.
16:57 – Why is it so important to redefine masculinity?
27:33 – Why is crying not celebrated?
37:00 – What does love mean to you?
41:50 – What’s your favorite color?
44:47 – Favorite animal and 3 reasons why.
47:00 – Relationship with food and money are representative.
48:18 – Which characteristic would you choose to see about people?
50:28 – What makes you feel valuable?
53:54 – Why do you do what you do? Why do you even bother?
56:25 – What are you afraid of?
57:54 – Best moment in your life so far.
58:16 – Worst moment in your life so far.
1:00:11 – ‘Emily’ in one word.
1:00:29 – ‘Maya’ in one word.
1:00:24 – ‘Maxwell’ in one word.
1:00:40 – ‘Sam’ in one word.
1:00:57 – ‘Sharon’ in one word.
1:01:05 – If I could place Justin’s heart in front of you, what would it tell you?
1:01:24 – Last words before you die.
1:02:19 – ‘Justin’ in one word.
Follow Anas Bukhash:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anasbukhash/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anasbukhash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnasBukhash
Website: http://anasbukhash.com/
Follow Justin Baldoni:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/justinbaldoni/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/justinbaldoni
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/justinbaldoni
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@justinbaldoni
Man Enough: Undefining My Masculinity is available now in the Middle East via Book Depository.
All opinions and views expressed on the show represent the sole opinions and views of the participants involved and do not necessarily reflect or represent those of #ABtalks or its associated companies.
تنويه: الآراء ووجهات النظر التي تطرح في هذا البرنامج تمثل وجهة نظر المشاركين فقط ولا تعكس أو تمثل بالضرورة وجهة نظر برنامج ABtalks# أو الشركات المرتبطة به.
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