#ABtalks with Mattar Bin Lahej – مع مطر بن لاحج | Chapter 8

7 أغسطس 2019

في الجزء الثامن من سلسلة مقابلات #ABtalks يستضيف أنس بوخش مطر بن لاحج لاستكشاف عقل الفنان الحيوي. مطر بن لاحج هو فنان ونحات إماراتي، تزين روائعه الفنية جدران الإمارات وشوارعها. يناقش مطر في هذه المقابلة كيف حول مجالاً غالباً ما يساء فهمه وتقلل قيمته إلى مجال مفعم بالأمل للشباب الإماراتي.

يتحدث مطر بشفافية عن أيامه كفنان شاب ناشئ، وكيف ثابر رغم الشكوك والمعارضة، ليحول ذلك إلى دافع يقوده إلى “النجاح”. كما يتناقش حول والديه والدور الذي لعباه في خلق الفنان الذي هو عليه اليوم؛ بوجود والدته روحياً بعد رحيلها.

أي شخص يجلس مع مطر بن لاحج يذهب وقد أصبح أكثر حكمة وإلهاماً. هذا الجزء هو دعوة لك.


في سلسلة مقابلات #ABtalks يجلس أنس مع شخصيات فريدة ويقدم مقابلات حصرية، وأحياناً جريئة. يتم اختيار كل ضيف بشكل دقيق وتكشف كل حلقة عن تفاصيل لم يتم التحدث عنها من قبل. من المعروف عن ضيوف #ABtalks أنهم ملهمون ومؤثرون في مجالاتهم.

سلسلة مقابلات #ABtalks تسلط الضوء على الجانب الصريح والإنساني للعديد من المنجزين والمشاهير والمؤثرين وصانعي الصيحات (ومحطميها)؛ كأناس “طبيعيين” و كبشر.

Anas Bukhash hosts Mattar Bin Lahej in this eighth chapter of #ABtalks to explore the artist’s dynamic mind. Mattar Bin Lahej is an Emirati artist and sculptor whose masterpieces grace the walls and streets of the UAE. In this interview, Mattar discusses how he transformed a field that is often misunderstood and undermined into a field of hope for the Emirati youth.

Mattar opens up about his days as a budding young artist; how he persevered through the doubt and opposition, turning it into his fuel for ‘success’. He also discusses his parents and the role they played in creating the artist he is today; his mother even spiritually after her passing. Anyone who has ever sat with Mattar Bin Lahej leaves a little bit wiser and inspired. This chapter is your invitation.


With #ABtalks, Anas Bukhash takes a seat with unique personalities resulting in exclusive and sometimes daring conversations. Each guest is hand-picked and each episode reveals details that have never been talked about before. The guests of #ABtalks are known for being inspirational and influential; experts in their respective fields.

#ABtalks shines the spotlight on the raw and human side of various achievers, celebrities, influencers, trendsetters (and breakers); as ‘normal’ people, as human beings.

00:00 – Intro
1:02 – What made you start and convinced you to stay in the art field?
3:10 – What is it that made you so obsessed with art?
3:47 – Does that mean that outside art your life was in danger?
8:50 – But I heard that you didn’t get along with some teachers.
10:15 – You didn’t like their education method in general or just in art?
10:58 – You know what bothers me sometimes, Mattar?
17:45 – Throughout our friendship, I didn’t hear much about your father, Mattar.
23:44 – Your mother played a huge role as well.
28:48 – My mother left a special language; this special language controls me more than anyone else.
35:15 – How are you as a father?
38:18 – Do you feel that being an artist affected your marriage, and your responsibility as a husband and as a father?
43:54 – What do you regret the most?
45:46 – ‘Mattar’ in one word.

Produced by: Bukhash Brothers

Follow Anas Bukhash:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anasbukhash/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anasbukhash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnasBukhash
Website: http://anasbukhash.com/

Follow Mattar Bin Lahej:
Website: http://www.mattargallery.ae/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mattarbinlahej/?hl=en
Read More: https://mojehmen.com/mattar-bin-lahej-man-of-steel/
Visit Mattar Bin Lahej Gallery: https://goo.gl/maps/iJNa6TTit3AG1gP8A

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