Mohammed Al Balooshi (Wannisni) on #ABtalks
محمد البلوشي المعروف باسم “ونسني” هو رجل أعمال إماراتي ومؤثر على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. أطلق أغنية مع فايز السعيد بعنوان ونيسني وكان صاحب المطعم الشوكة الذهبية الصيني. يشتهر محمد بإسلوبه الإيجابي اتجاه الحياة. في هذه المقابلة، يتحدث عن جولة حياته وكيف اختار التركيز على الجانب الإيجابي من الحياة ، وطريقة لبسة جزء من شخصيته وكيف بنى نفسه وحياته المهنية من لا شيء. شاهد لاكتشاف محمد البلوشي الحقيقي.
هذا البرنامج هو سلسلة من المقابلات الحوارية التي تعرض على اليوتيوب ويقدمها أنس بوخش، حيث يكشف الجانب الصادق والإنساني للعديد من المشاهير والرياضيين ورواد الأعمال والمؤثرين ويسلط الضوء على قصصهم الإنسانية الملهمة والمؤثرة.
Mohammed Al Balooshi known as ‘Wannisni’ is an Emirati businessman and social media influencer. He released a song with Fayez Al Saeed called ‘Wannisni’ and he was the owner of the Chinese restaurant Golden Fork. Mohammed is known for his positive approach towards life. In this interview, he speaks about his life journey and how he chose to focus on the positive side of life, how his style is a part of his character and how he built himself and his career from nothing. Watch to discover the real Mohammed Balooshi.
#ABtalks is a YouTube interview show hosted by Anas Bukhash that shines the spotlight on the raw side of celebrities, influencers, and achievers as human beings. Each guest is known for being an inspiration and for being influential as experts in their respective fields.
Produced by: Bukhash Brothers
Watch Partner: Breitling |
00:00 – Intro
0:57 – How are you really doing?
4:27 – How were you as a young man?
6:01 – How was your childhood?
8:11 – How was your relationship with your parents?
31:35 – What’s your favorite color?
32:29 – What’s your favorite animal?
34:29 – Do you get criticized a lot?
41:07 – Why do you wear two watches?
46:20 – You have two kids.
48:57 – Bu Fahad, you are married to a Russian woman.
55:04 – What are you afraid of?
56:11 – What’s the best moment in your life?
1:01:26 – What’s the worst moment in your life?
1:11:58 – If we were to take your heart out and put it in front of you, what would it tell you?
1:12:24 – ‘Mohammed’ in one word?
Follow Anas Bukhash:
Follow Mohammed Al Balooshi:
Snapchat: kingmohammad101
All opinions and views expressed on the show represent the sole opinions and views of the participants involved and do not necessarily reflect or represent those of #ABtalks or its associated companies.
تنويه: الآراء ووجهات النظر التي تطرح في هذا البرنامج تمثل وجهة نظر المشاركين فقط ولا تعكس أو تمثل بالضرورة وجهة نظر برنامج ABtalks# أو الشركات المرتبطة به.
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