نويل خرمان مغنية وكاتبة أغاني فلسطينية تعيش حلم طفولتها بأن تصبح موسيقية. نجحت نجاحاً كبيراً وسريعاً بعد إصدارها نسخة أغنية “هيللو” لأديل ممزوجة ب”كيفك انت” لفيروز. أصدرت منذ ذلك الحين عددًا من الأغنيات بنفس الطريقة واستمرت في الغناء حتى أصدرت أغانيها الأصلية! تشاركنا نويل ذكريات طفولتها، وكيف تعاملت مع الحزن والخسارة، والأسرة، وشغفها بالموسيقى..
Noël Kharman is a Palestinian singer and songwriter who is living her childhood dream of being a musician. She became an internet sensation overnight after releasing a mashup cover of Adele’s “Hello” and Fairouz’s ”Kefak Inta”. She has since released a number of mashup covers and has gone on to sing her own original songs! Noël shares memories from her childhood, how she coped with grief and loss, family, and her passion for music.
Produced by: Bukhash Brothers
Website: https://www.abtalks.ae
00:00 – Intro
00:31 – How are you really doing?
02:46 – Do you pretend all is well or resolve your problems?
04:39 – Who are you, Noël?
07:14 – What emoji do you use most?
07:50 – Your childhood in one word. Explain.
11:00 – The day Noël’s father passed.
13:08 – Giving traumatic news to a child.
17:00 – How did you learn about your father’s death?
19:18 – How did your mother deal with your father’s death?
21:09 – How did your mother express her sadness over his death?
23:23 – Do you remember your relationship with your father?
24:54 – Did your family struggle to get back on their feet after his death?
28:25 – If you could go back in time, would you choose that your mother not marry your dad?
31:14 – If you met an amazing person, but he had a critical illness, would you marry him?
32:21 – How did you become a musician?
33:31 – What is the story behind the song, ‘An Alawan’?
36:20 – What is something you like about Noël?
36:28 – What is something you don’t like about Noël?
38:03 – The things you can and can’t control.
40:49 – Is Noël confident?
42:35 – How many times have you truly been in love?
42:57 – What did you learn about Noël after relationships?
45:01 – What does ‘love’ mean to you?
48:55 – If I had a letter with your date of death written in it, would you open it?
49:42 – Your favorite color and 3 reasons why.
51:31 – Your favorite animal and 3 reasons why.
54:19 – What is the best moment of your life?
55:27 – What is the worst moment of your life?
55:50 – What do your tattoos represent?
57:43 – Describe your mother.
01:01:09 – ‘Areen’ (mother) in one word.
01:01:44 – ‘Atef’ (father) in one word.
01:02:03 – Do you feel that his absence left a void in your life?
01:02:46 – If you could write your father an email, what would you write?
01:05:16 – If you could choose your last words before you die, what would you say?
01:09:11 – ‘Noël’ in one word.
01:11:03 – Noël singing.
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Follow Anas Bukhash:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anasbukhash/
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Website: http://anasbukhash.com/
Follow Noël Kharman:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noel_kharman
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@noelkharmanofficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/noel.kharman.3
Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCO_qv5faVlp8dq9hQ82qHUQ
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